Word Verification Request and Happy Weekend!

Word Verification

What is it with word verification request
after leaving a comment on a blog?
You can easily approve or delete a comment from your blog.
Blogger makes it really simple and even has a spam box for comments that don't originate from a real person.

I love leaving comments and engaging in conversation, but it's so much more work when I "click" to post my comment and then it asks me for word verification.

Please change your settings today and undo it....
pretty please with strawberries and sugar on top? 

If you already have it turned-off ...there's only two words left to say

-Thank you. 

Now, let's get this weekend started!

I wish you a lovely and sweet weekend

with lots of hugs and kisses.

May no one give you a reason to cry

other than at a wedding.

Have fun

dress up

dress down

do whatever makes you happy.



photos 1,2,3,5 - weheartit.com
photo 4 - greenweddingshoes.com
photo 6, 8 - poppiesandsunshine.blogspot.com
photo 7 - dandelionandgreyblog.com


  1. YES! I agree. It only takes a little more time to verify the word, but when you comment on a lot of blogs, it adds up big-time!

  2. totally with you on the word verification...it's a pain!

  3. I read your post and then I went to check back on my blog as I didnt have a clue...hahahah)....I am happy to say that you dont have to do the word verification...hahahah...I love love love those images:)....Make my Friday so happy:)

  4. I adore the "dress down" photo! So sweet

  5. This post is filled with such lovely images and words, I think you totally made my day!

    Sorry, I use the word verification. It has a made a huge difference to the amount of spam left on my blog, especially to deter repeat offenders :)

  6. Hate WV- I agree- makes time management harder- when you could be using the minutes to read more blogs then type out nonsensical words.

    Thanks for posting.

  7. Thank you indeed!!
    Lovely images here~
    enjoy your weekend!

  8. beautiful pictures!! hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. beautiful pictures!! hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Lovely pictures! I agree with you on the word verification thing in the way that it is a pain! And I hate it! Yet, I started getting really bad spam. The kind that I cannot stand and won't put up with. I do not want it left in my comments until I can get to it and have other people see the disgusting filth. If it wasn't for that spam I was getting I would have never changed my settings.

  11. Thanks for commenting on this everyone. It's good to understand how everyone feels about it - whether you agree with me or not....I guess I just don't get enough spam for it to bother me. Also, my comments are not published right away, so I approve it before they are posted. So, in that sense, I have total control in terms of what's being put out there.

    You guys rock!! xoxo

  12. You have a good point -- the word verification seems like overkill for small blogs... Will seek out and change this setting! bb

  13. I so agree!! Ah it drives me insane!


    Have a lovely weekend :)
    cheers, Jesa

  14. Zooey Deschanel AND cute animals in one post!??! Love it!

  15. Hehe, yes it IS annoying!!

    I LOVE the collection of photos you have pulled here! Thank you, thank you for including Maya & Dave's wedding in the mix :D

    Wishing you a lovely & relaxing weekend, Reese!! xo

  16. Verification is a pain, but for those (like myself) who were getting spammed like crazy but not always able to respond to comments in a timely manner, verification helped to keep the nasties at bay. I figured anyway if it's that much of a hassle, just forget the whole thing and simply not leave a comment.

    That said, comment moderation is even worse. You can't even see your comment until it's approved.

  17. Hi Rowena and everybody!

    Thank you again for taking the time to comment on this discussion. I guess I like the control part of the comment moderation :-)), so I don't mind waiting to see my comments. I must be a bit of a control freak. It's really nice to hear everyone's different thoughts and opinions on it.


  18. I want Blogger to make the word verification into actual words and provide the definitions...so I can learn something. In the meantime...I agree...annoying.

  19. First off I LOVE these pics, 2nd...I couldn't agree more!!!

  20. I could not agree with you more on this. Every day I think about how much easier commenting would be if people would disable the word verification! Do people not know they can do that or do they think they need a spam filter? I'm not sure. But it's always SUCH a welcome relief when I run across someone who has it disabled. So thank you!!!


  21. OK, jeez, I had to comment on this too! We pay double what they pay in the capital city here for our internet connection, and it is SO SLOW. I'm sure it takes me 5-10 times as long as the regular person to actually open other people's blogs and to leave comments... especially when the word verification is set up to pop up after you have sent it... We're talking (and I am not exaggerating) another minute to reload! So... yay! I'm thankful for the WV-freeness here! :)


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