Stylish Blogger Award

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Mine was so full of activities that I wouldn't mind having nothing to do for the next few weekends. 
What about you? 

My Osteopath cancelled on me again this past week, so the hubby and I opted for Shiatsu Massages on Saturday. I definitely recommend them, although, nothing compares to a good visit to the Osteopath. I feel like I'm on Cloud 9 after a visit. Went to a friend's for a traditional Swiss dinner and conked out at about 1am and got up early for a leisurely walk that turned into a 9km marathon and a 4 hour lunch!

 I was surprised to receive the Stylish Blogger Award because it came from a very old friend of mine whom I'd lost touch with. Isn't the Internet the coolest invention? 
So, thank you Tamara at Etcetorize.

Here are the rules to accept this award:

1. Thank and link back.
2. Share 7 things about yourself that readers 
don't already know.
3. Pass it on to 15 bloggers who inspire you.
4. Contact and congratulate those bloggers.

1. Thanks Tamara at Etcetorize! 

2. 7 Things you don't know about me......

Bungee jumped, which I thought I would never ever do, and in fact, ended up loving it!

Sky diving was always a dream of mine, but once I actually did it, I discovered I didn't like it so much. 
I get nauseated easily. 

Almost fell into a volcano in Indonesia. 

Almost drowned in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

I have been mugged three times 
(always managed to keep my wallet and bag)

Love fast food - even though it's bad for me. My favourite burger restaurant is A & W.

Didn't eat meat for two years. I really wanted to become a vegetarian because of altruistic reasons, but it just didn't stick. 

3. Pass the award onto other bloggers who inspire me.
4. Contact and congratulate them!

Thank you!


  1. Hi sweetie! Hope that you get a weekend of nothing to do real soon. I know how busy you are though so I hope that you're able to squeeze in some more time for some more indulgences :) xoxo

  2. Oh and congrats on the well deserved award! xoxo

  3. Oh my goodness that was a fun list. Perhaps your name should actually be Calamity Jane?! Glad you weren't hurt in the muggings. Did they all happen in the same city? Can't even imagine. I've been a vegetarian for 2 years now, it's sticking so far.
    THANK YOU for the honor. I posted my 7 things last month when I was lucky enough to be tagged by others, here is my list

  4. Forgot to say, sounds like you are also mixed-handed. Welcome to the club :)

  5. Wow, what an honor to be included in your list! Thanks Reese! You are one fun & adventurous girl :)

  6. Thanks so much for the award, darling! You inspire me too!!

  7. Reese!!!
    Thank YOU so much!!!!
    I am wordless...
    I have so much to tell you!!! I am smiling ear to ear right now!!! YOU made my day! What a lovely " good morning" !!!!
    Love you!
    Gonna write you an email....baci!!!

  8. Congratulations on the award! Very well deserved and so fun to read your list of seven things.

    Your weekend plans sound wonderful. I am booking myself in with an Osteopath very soon. My back is cactus!

    xx Charlotta

  9. Congratulations on your award! And thank you so much for mine! I really appreciate it! I love reading more about you, you're quite the daredevil!


  10. Congrats, sweetie on your award!!! So happy for you. That is such a great post and how interesting that you didnt eat meat for two years. I dont eat much meat lately but I would love to stop eating it for good:) Hugs and kisses, darling

    Ps: I’m hosting a stunning Ruche GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in :)

  11. Apart from almost drowning how was the Great Barrier Reef, I'd love to go there one day (it's in my state and I still haven't been!).

    I'm glad you're okay after three muggings, let's hope the old 'three's a charm' rule works for this instance and that it doesn't ever happen again.

    x Jasmine

  12. Hi Reese! Those facts about yourself really show what an adventurous person you are. You are more brave than I am. I really don't know if I could ever go bungee jumping or sky diving!
    I hope you have a lovely weekend! XO

  13. reese,
    It was so fun to read your personal stuff. I can't believe you've been mugged 3 times! And you should definitely come to Okinawa because A&W are all over the island!

  14. Oh, hope you get a lazy weekend soon. mine will be far from lame as I have my garage sale this weekend, and will be showcasing my first ever collection of hand made gift cards. can't wait to see how it goes.

    And yes, congrats on the award.

  15. Thanks for all your well wishes everyone!

    Jeanette - I love that movie with Doris Day as Calamity Jane. I used to sing along to all the music and play it over and over again.


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