A Spa Experience in Bari, Italy - Centro Sportivo Kendro

I love the burnt orange of these leaves. 
Photo that I took in a small private garden in Pompeii.

I want to thank you all for posting lovely, cheerful and motivating messages on my blog. I don't know most of you personally but I feel connected to you in an inspiring and uplifting way; that's one of the great things about blogging because you can share things with a simple message. You encourage and energize me in a way that I can't explain. You know more about me some days than my close friends and family, and so I thank you
I really, really thank you.  

Finally, today the sun has come out but it won't be for long according to the weather report. Although, January and February are the coldest months of the year in Italy, March and April can be quite nasty with temperatures that dip and soar with heavy winds and rain. I wear a lot of heavy wools that I wouldn't normally wear in Vancouver, Canada. I seem to hibernate for almost 5 months out of the year here. My hibernation begins in December and ends around mid-end of April. 

I am definitely the type of person to be affected by the lack of sunshine (a.k.a. SADS - Seasonal Affective Disorder), my sister is too. Hence, I realized I could never live in grey countries, such as England, Ireland or Scotland....terribly grey there.

Since, I need something to cheer me up this week, I remembered that we had gift cards for a Spa/Gym Wellness Centre (called Kendro, http://www.kendro.it/) in the city of Bari, so we've made an appointment for tomorrow for two hours of bliss (hopefully). I've never been to a spa in Italy, so we shall see. I'll let you all know how it goes. Maybe I can sneak some pictures for some of you. But, the downside is that I have to bring my own robe and slippers; thank goodness I don't have to bring a towel....I hope. I've been to other spas before in other countries, and they've always supplied robes, towels and slippers, so this is just another thing I have to accept about the service in Italy (do not assume that anything is included). You gotta ask.  

Well, all you lovely people, what are your plans for the weekend? 
Wishing you a happy weekend!!


  1. omg i LOVED pompeii! so cool! so crazy what happened.! i agree with the greyness.. grey was the sky color in denmark all the time. in november we got a total of 6 hours of blue sky the whole month.. gross.. thats kinda why i moved back to LA...

  2. looking forward to reading about this adventure. I love spas and wellness things in other countries! It's so fun to see how other cultures view "relaxing" and pampering.

  3. i think i'll try this! I like simple recipe and cookies look good





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