Inspirational Quote of the Day from Suzanne Weyne, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Here's a quote to give you a lift this week - no pun intended!

"Your life is an occasion, rise to it."

I love this quote, it makes me want to "jump!"

Photos of my husband and his friend mountain parachuting for the first time in Parapendio near Monopoli, Italy.

What makes you want to jump?


  1. My hands are all sweaty now from these shots, lovely as they are!

  2. always wanted to do something fun like that but too afraid of heights!

  3. Lovely vignette! Blackboard doors, paint and hand-written comments: Divine.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments!

    It is a lot of fun. I haven't tried mountain parachuting, but I have tried sky diving and bunjee jumping in New Zealand and it's awesome!

    The Jump is the hard part. Everything else gets easier.....just like in life.

    Best wishes to you all!

  5. Thanks Lakeviewer!

    I agree, chalkboard is divine!


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