After the Wedding - The Final Chapter

Okay, this is my last post about my wedding for this year. At the request of many friends, I added some more photos from the wedding in my last post. Now some of you may have noticed or not that we didn't use a professional photographer. We decided that since we're most likely doing this all over again, we needed to cut back in other ways regarding expenses, so we cut back on the photography and video. Most people would think this is crazy!!!!! But, we were sure that we had enough capable friends that would take great pictures. We weren't too worried. Another reason I didn't want a professional photographer from Italy is because I've seen the type of photography they do here. They seem to be really "big" on the old, cheesy photos where you see people pose with fake smiles, and they're still doing the soft, fuzzy photographs that were popular in the 80's and 90's. The photographers here are really stuck in a time warp.

So, here's what we did instead:

I had my sister run around the church taking pictures and she almost fell at one point. While I was walking down the aisle in the church, she had suddenly fallen down in one of the pews and I grabbed her to stop her from falling completely on her face. She was a great sport. We also had our friend, Vito use our Canon 8 megapixel digital camera to take photos as well.

I took the responsibility of being the photographer during the wedding reception and in the piazza after we  stuffed our faces even more with Italian gelato. Everyone was fairly inebriated by then. They were taking a break and having a good time, so I was running around taking photos of everyone, trying not to trip over my dress. I got tired quickly because of my sore feet, but I got a few good shots. I'm really happy with most of the photos. The downside about not having a professional photographer is that Mauro and I didn't have too many romantic shots of us alone.

We also received photos from our friends Amory, Jim and Kate and put them all together; and I have to say we got some pretty good shots from the wedding. Very candid, fun shots.

The moral of the story is this - if you're willing to take chances and you have a great group of people you can rely on to take some fantastic pictures - then do it without a professional photographer! But do it, only if you have faith and you're a laid back type of gal or guy. Otherwise, hire a great photographer, not just any photographer. If you're located in America or Canada, there are some great photographers listed in my blog list. Check them out! They're incredibly talented people. If I had the money in my budget, I would hire them without a second thought!!

I leave you here with some candid shots from our wedding. All the photos are untouched and unaltered. We just didn't have the time, talent nor inclination. I think they're pretty good for complete amateurs.


I hope you enjoyed the pics from my perfect day!!
Do you have any moments to share from your perfect day?


  1. UGH I had a whole paragraph posted here about how cool your wedding looks and memories from my day & my computer somehow froze & I lost it! BummeR!

    Anyway, I'm so glad you had a "perfect day" [I just love that you call it that, btw!] Mine was pure magic & I promise I'll get around to telling my long winded deleted story eventually! xoxo

  2. Looks like the most romantic day... and what a lucky one you are that you actually get to live there now too!

    I love my wedding day, and I'm so happy that I wasn't stressed out or sleep deprived or anything. I have a tendency to get nervous about details, but I was easy breezy all day long...

  3. That looks like such a lovely, relaxed, BEAUTIFUL wedding...
    We had a very small wedding, but the man designated 'photographer' produced the worst pictures ever -I looked like an out-of-focus transvestite, while my husband looked - adorable. No wedding photos on OUR mantel!


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